Submitting as a supporter

Submit yourself as a supporter of the movie "Miracle of life-force"

Thank you for supporting our marketing-action! You may support through spreading the news in your eMails, on your Facebook-Page, your Twitter-Account, setting a link to our website, through word by mouth, or even through using your contact to local or national press media.

Please fill your data into the fields, which you would like to fill. Please at least fill the following data: eMail and at least one of the fields for your reach!
Otherwise your entry cannot be set active!

Your eMail:
Your website, for which you want to get a link to:
Your link-text:
You want to upload a banner ad?
Please use max. 300 x 120 pixel:
Banner ad text:
Your one-time-action-reach:
Your montly reach:
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