"Miracle of life force" – Journeys

Miracle of life force - organized journeys

Many people see our movie because they are looking for healing – both physical as psychological and spiritual. In the movie we show, that two of the last protagonists, Fratel Cosimo in the south of Italy and Saidou Bikienga in Burkina Faso, make a lot of healings possible. But the language barrier and other barriers discourage many people, so we decided to offer organzised jouneys. If you are interested, please click here.

"Miracle of life force" – seminars

The members of the filmteam which travel with the movie are often asked, whether we offer seminars to strengthen the life force. Please click on the following picture, to reach a new webpage with information about what we offer.
Seminare von Wunder der Lebenskraft zur Aktivierung der Kundalini

Of course also some of the protagonists of "Miracle of life force" offer seminars to strengthen the life force or activate the Kundalini:

Armin Mattichs seminars lead the participants to a level of much more life force, an activation of the Kundalini is possible and happens frequently.
In Laurens Storms Kundalini-Yoga-Seminars the pathway to an activated Kundalini is freed in a very smooth manner.
On the webpage of Guru Ram Lal Siyag it is possible to get a video-inauguration in the Siddha-Yoga which he teaches, which results in an activation of the Kundalini for the practitioners.
ShiFu Shi de Lon teaches QiGong-excercises to rise the Chi-level of his participants.
Dr. Vagish Shastri, teaches a Kundalini-Meditation-Course in 10 parts in Varanase (10 parts, each 1,5 hours)