Watch the Trailer - Miracle of life force

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Many people search in several areas of their lives in order to optimize their lives: Whether it's healing diseases, more robust health by increasing self-healing powers, greater physical and mental resilience, more professional success or better and more harmonious relationships - there are consultants, coaches and specialists for everything who promise to optimize the lives of those affected. Methods for stress reduction, mental and emotional training, training and action strategies are provided. All this has in common that it is to be practiced often with large perseverance, until the success adjusts itself. Those who suffer from stress, burn-out, depression or depressive moods, however, are hardly able to put such excercises into practice in the long term. Also, various environmental impacts - from pesticides to heavy metals to electromagnetic fields - reduce the resistance we need to cope well with the demands of modern life.

And yet there is a force which - if it is significantly increased - is able to have a positive effect on all areas of human life in a kind of "automatism": The life force, the primal power of our life. It increases the resilience, increases the self-healing powers, deepens the possibility to feel feelings, increases the scope to deal with situations like a threatening burnout or depressive moods, as well as to achieve greater success. But how is it possible to experience such a significant increase in vitality, which promises such comprehensive positive effects on your life?

When people miss their goals, it leads to the phenomenon commonly referred to as "sin". These "sins" weaken the life force. As a result, the life force, which is in the optimal state autonomous and completely heals and protects the human being now shows gaps. Due to these gaps diseases can develop. The good news is that the "sins" that cause these problems can be atoned for. When this life force comes back into balance, then it regains its old dynamic and life of its own, a golden power arises in the human being, the human being fills himself again with the Spirit of God and begins to heal and enlighten. Thus the power heals the human being completely, and also protects him - which means that the life force even leads to a kind of (temporary or partial) invulnerability.

This phenomenon is called the Kundalini process. The film "Miracle of life-force" clearly shows what the phenomena around this process look like and explains the deeper meaning of these phenomena.

Meanwhile we have reached over 27.000 viewers in German cinemas!!

The life force  

Origin of health  
and vitality  
The life force - origin of health and vitality

Each person  

is able to develop this force  
Each person is able to develop this force

We show  

to use this  
primal force of life  
To use the elementary power of life


replaced Äskulap,  
the God of healing,  
so in todays medicine  
the life force  
is not mentioned  
Asclepius - god of healing

All cultures  

know methods,  
to work with  
the life force  
Snake - staff of Asklepios - Kundalini

When it becomes dynamic  

it opens the access  
to the whole  
human potential  
Kundalini opens the whole human potential
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